Tien’s Story

Tien’s Story

Tien was trafficked into China at the age of 16, where she was sold to 3 different Chinese men. Almost 2 years later, she managed to escape back to Vietnam but due to financial difficulty, she couldn’t continue her studies and instead worked at her uncle’s coffee shop...
Mi’s Story

Mi’s Story

For most of Mi’s childhood, she carried a bright and hopeful lens to observe the world through – she believed that although life may not have always been perfect, it was promising and peaceful. This outlook soon changed when she was able to identify and...
Donor updates from 2021

Donor updates from 2021

Hagar USA Hagar USA was very pleased to secure an important new project in 2021 funded by the United States Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Human Trafficking (JTIP). This new project, which is now well underway in partnership with local Vietnamese...
Afghanistan Karte 4 District Food Distribution

Afghanistan Karte 4 District Food Distribution

As part of our emergency response plan in Afghanistan, food aid packages were distributed to families in critical need in the Karte 4 district in Kabul. After revealing the difficult conditions these families face following months of conflict, the head of district...