Tien was trafficked into China at the age of 16, where she was sold to 3 different Chinese men.

Almost 2 years later, she managed to escape back to Vietnam but due to financial difficulty, she couldn’t continue her studies and instead worked at her uncle’s coffee shop to make money. Her hopes of things getting better were dashed as the people in her hometown avoided and looked down on her. Frightened, Tien lost all her confidence and often contemplated suicide.

Tien was finally referred by the Department of Social Evil Prevention to Hagar. There she received shelter health care, life skills training and career orientation. After being counseled and mentored by Hagar staff, Tien was able to speak up and express her intention to go back to school and to one day become a social worker. It was a moment of profound happiness when Tien finally received the announcement of her passing to the Department of Social Work at the University of Social Labor. She has also become involved in Hagar activities as a volunteer, more recently in the Red Lotus group.

“I never thought I could be able to join a program like Red Lotus. I know there are peer support groups, but in this time of pandemic, I didn’t think I could join any. An online support group is amazing. Participating in Red Lotus helps me feel much much better. Also, I had a chance to be a volunteer and even earned a certificate. I got to know lots of people and together we shared our stories, learned new things and skills. In my opinion, this program is super helpful for my career of social worker in future as well.”

Tien is realizing how beautiful life is, how bright her future holds, and her value. If you meet Tien, you will find a girl with strong energy and a warm heart who stood up to follow her dream.

Hagar pursues the highest degree of care and protection for each of its clients. To protect the identity of our clients, names have been changed and images do not necessarily represent the individual profiled.

Son endured extreme abuse by the hands of her father for a long time and after finding this out, her mother who worked overseas for the majority of her childhood immediately returned home to Vietnam to seek justice for Son.

In collaboration with the National Hotline 111 for child protection, Son was admitted under Hagar’s care and received safe accommodation and psychotherapy. After nearly a month of receiving Hagar’s accommodation services, they had decided to return to their hometown to restart a new life.

However, there were initial difficulties in their relationship as the long absence of her mother had created a distance between them. This led Son to move back in with her brother and grandparents, where she felt more connected. Hagar has worked to become a bridge between them with social counseling, narrowing the gaps and misunderstandings in their relationship.

This summer was an important milestone in Son’s life, as she had successfully completed the high school entrance exam and received admission into a preeminent high school in the her province. This is a splendid achievement that demonstrates Son’s ability and strong will. To encourage her energy and prepare for this new journey, Hagar will continue to support her.

“Son is a young girl with full of positive energy. From the moment she entered Hagar’s program, I have seen her grow up and become more mature day by day. Compared to her peers, Son has become a thoughtful and independent person. Son is always moving forward and never let the obstacles of the past prevent her from breaking through. She has a plan for her future and dares to dream higher. This is because Son wants to become the best version of herself, which is not easy for anyone, especially for a 15-year-old girl like her.”

Hagar pursues the highest degree of care and protection for each of its clients. To protect the identity of our clients, names have been changed and images do not necessarily represent the individual profiled.

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.