Empower Women with Possibilities

Samira sews her way to freedom

When Samira was introduced to Hagar, she felt sad and hopeless. She’d experienced countless financial pressures and hardships throughout her young life. During her first pregnancy, Samira and her husband couldn’t afford for her to eat a healthy diet or to seek proper medical. When Samira lost the baby, she suffered from trauma and emotional distress.    At Hagar’s Restoring Livelihoods program, Samira trained to be a tailor. She quickly gained the

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LIFT and Hagar Unite in the Fight Against Slavery

LIFT International joins Hagar International to free more victims of trafficking, slavery and exploitation. Human trafficking and modern-day slavery continue to threaten vulnerable people every day. Over the past five years, exploitation and abuse have not decreased but grown significantly so that today, 50 million people – the population of California and Georgia combined – are victims of human trafficking and forced labor around the world. With these dire numbers in mind,

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Cambodian leaders trained to prevent trafficking

Cambodian Leaders Trained to Prevent Trafficking

Imagine if we could stop human trafficking before it starts. That’s the goal of Hagar’s prevention programs. Recently in Cambodia, our frontline team trained 51 local leaders to recognize and prevent human trafficking. The training sessions drew a diverse crowd including community council members and police officers. “I never knew the meaning of modern slavery and how to help our community members reduce their vulnerability to human trafficking and slavery and exploitation,” said

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Tim Lee, monthly donor profile

Supporter Spotlight – Tim Lee

Hagar’s work is only possible because of the dedication and compassion of our donors. Each month we profile a supporter who, through their generosity, is helping to bring healing and hope to survivors around the world.  Tim Lee, Monthly Donor 1. Tell us a little about yourself – work, family, where you’re from, what you do in your spare time? Hello! My name is Tim and I’m from Southern California. I currently work

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Help Us Transform Lives

By partnering with Hagar, you answer the cries of human suffering. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.