British Embassy representative’s visit to Hagar Vietnam

In February 2023, Hagar Vietnam was delighted to welcome Ms. Jules Holton, a representative from the British Embassy, to the Hagar International Hanoi office. Ms. Holton is currently organizing a regular charity quiz event that will take place at the Ambassador’s residence in Hanoi. Through this event, the British Embassy aims to generate awareness and raise funds for like-minded organizations. This year, they have chosen to support Hagar, with all proceeds being donated to the organization in acknowledgment of Hagar’s important mission to free and heal communities of human trafficking and abuse in Vietnam.

This meeting was a great opportunity for Hagar Vietnam and the British Embassy to learn more about each other’s work. Hagar Vietnam’s Country Director, Thuy Giang Thi Thu, and Program Manager, Hoa Chu Thanh, welcomed Ms. Holten and explained Hagar’s foundational project, ‘The Whole Journey’ that supports survivors of human trafficking and abuse, and ongoing projects such as ‘Tackling Modern Slavery in Vietnam’ project, funded by the UK’s Home Office through the International Office of Migration Vietnam. The Hagar Vietnam team also shared some special personal stories from survivors of human trafficking, which showed how Hagar helps survivors rebuild their lives and dignity.

The upcoming event will help strengthen the partnership between Hagar Vietnam and the British Embassy, opening up the possibility for more collaboration in the future.

“Tackling Modern Slavery” project update

Hagar Vietnam is cooperating with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to implement the reintegration support component of the “Tackling Modern Slavery in Vietnam” project from October 2022 to March 2025. Hagar Vietnam is implementing return and reintegration assistance for migrants in vulnerable situations and victims of human trafficking in Vietnam.

Funded by the United Kingdom’s Home Office, the “Tackling Modern Slavery in Vietnam” project aims to support the Vietnamese Government’s efforts to prevent and protect Vietnamese migrants and their communities from entering human trafficking and modern slavery, as well as to support survivors.

In February 2023, assessments and support plans were developed for 15 beneficiaries. Hagar’s current support focuses on both the economic and social needs of survivors. Hagar provided three survivors with livelihood support by buying 18 pigs and one breeding cow to help them be more economically resilient and avoid being re-trafficked. Hagar also worked with the Women’s Union of Nghia Dan district to develop support plans for five migrant workers who were exploited during their work in this district.

Hagar plans to deploy a comprehensive support package to survivors that includes health, education for dependents, nutrition, and long-term livelihood support to help survivors rebuild their lives. This package will be delivered to more survivors next month.

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.