In August 2020, Phavy’s friends invited her to a party. At the party, the then 12-year-old Phavy was forced to have sex with a man. She tried to escape but, without the help of her friends, she was beaten and raped.

In 2021, Phavy was sent to Hagar for help by the Department of Social Affairs. Based on the assessment, we found that Phavy was blaming herself and confronting her family members.

“I was so frightened and scared to face people after what happened to me. I did not want to meet and see my family members or even my friends and I hated myself. It was a very bad experience in my life.”

Phavy gave up her schooling and tried to hide from people. At first, Phavy rejected everything. During the initial meeting with Hagar, she was scared and frightened. Based on an assessment by Hagar’s counsellors, she was found to have serious trauma including self-discrimination, hatred of men, reluctance to eat, headaches, nightmares, insomnia, suicidal thoughts, self-blame and loss of self-confidence.

Within a year and a half, with Hagar’s support including case management, counselling, trainings and economic empowerment support, Phavy was able to recover. Her mental issues have improved and she has gained personal and social experience.

“I gained experience in managing my emotions, protecting myself from risks, and in particular I was able to create my own safety plan. I changed my attitude and feelings towards those around me, especially my family members, after I received counselling and support from Hagar staff. I love them as much as my parents because when I have problems, I always consult with them and they help me find a good solution. Now, I love my life again.”

Phavy also received vocational training and support to start a small business in the market selling food. She earns about $ 300 a month to support her family.

“I am so happy I can support my family with my small business. Now I can earn money to help my family and I have hope. I would like to thank Hagar staff for always being with me, supporting, respecting and encouraging me to be strong and overcome my past. Without their support, I would probably be dead and unable to stand here today. I am very proud of myself for being able to endure my past experiences and help my family. I gained confidence and hope for a better future. Hagar gave me a new life and treated me like their family. Thank you for your generous support.”

Hagar pursues the highest degree of care and protection for each of our clients. To protect the identity of our clients, names have been changed and images do not necessarily represent the individual profiled. Please note that all photos are obtained with clients’ consent.

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.