Lan’s Story

Lan’s Story

Looking at Lan and husband Dat happily holding their baby, no one would ever guess that violence existed in their house for years. In the past, the couple’s financial struggles provoked conflicts between them. With a sole income from farming, things were difficult and...
The 40.3 Freedom Race

The 40.3 Freedom Race

Back again for the third year since its inception, Hagar Singapore’s 40.3 Freedom Race offers participants an opportunity to fight slavery with their favourite fitness or sports activity. Open to everyone of all ages and fitness levels, close to 200 participants...
Trust and attachment trauma research

Trust and attachment trauma research

Hagar USA’s Clinical Consultant, Dr Zoe Wyatt, has published her final article from a broader body of doctoral research in the area of trauma and resilience. The paper, ‘‘It Touched My Heart’ – Trust and Attachment in the Aftermath of Trauma for Cambodian...
Afghanistan October Update

Afghanistan October Update

Emergency Response Phase (ERP) 2– Afghanistan Below are highlights for ERP2 in Afghanistan, running until 31 December 2022. Child Friendly Spaces (Educational Centers) Established an educational program for students’ parents, providing basic information on child...
Hagar Singapore Charity Golf Tournament

Hagar Singapore Charity Golf Tournament

On October 14, almost $260,000 was raised at the Hagar Charity Golf Tournament in Singapore! After a 2-year suspension during the pandemic, the event returned and generated a lot of interest, with all 36 flights sold! Funds were raised from sponsorship canvassing,...