Emergency Response Phase 2– Afghanistan

The Emergency Response Plan 2 in Afghanistan which runs until 31 December 2022 is well underway with the following highlights:

Child Friendly Spaces (Educational Centers)

  • All child friendly spaces were routinely visited and stationery was distributed.
  • All students took midterm examinations.
  • Students from all 8 classes took part in a school competition, with high achievers celebrated at a prize distribution ceremony

Primary Health Care

Hagar Afghanistan’s health clinic provides healthcare for vulnerable people of the Sar-e-Hawza district of Paktika Province and our Mobile Health Team provides healthcare for residents of the Sar-e-Rawza district, including Outdoor Patients (OPD). The Mobile Health Team’s services include antenatal care (ANC), postnatal are (PNC), delivery, and nutrition screening for destitute families and children residing far from the clinic.

In September:

  • The Hagar mobile health team saw 2030 OPD patients including 1033 female children under 5.
  • 466 patients, including infants and women suffered from malnutrition
  • Common illnesses amoung the beneficiaries include colds, diarrhea, PID, micronutrients, fever, cough, malnutrition, mental health, disability and stomach diseases.

Restoring lives through livelihoods update

  • Hagar Afghanistan inaugurated a new tailoring cooperative in Mamozai town and secured necessary items including sewing machines, fabric and scissors for the center.
  • A master trainer was appointed to 30 survivors of abuse and trafficking
  • Routine follow-up visits of Dashte Barchi carpet weaving cooperative were conducted and 127 beneficiaries received monthly payments to help them get going in the cooperative.
  • 40 small businesses will be developed for destitute families according to the results of a preliminary assessment of vulnerable households

Forgotten No More (FNM) Project Update

In September 2022:

  • The FNM shelter is providing comprehensive services to 19 children.
  • The FNM shelter received 4 new clients from the Ministry of Labor Social Affairs (MoLSA).
  • The provincial Child Protection Action Network (CPAN) assured Hagar it would refer new clients to FNM and the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be renewed.
  • The psycho-social counselor provided 97 Systematic and individual sessions and conducted 26 follow-up meetings for reintegrated clients.

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.