Empower Women with Possibilities

Heroic Hope

When I think of the word “Hope” I am reminded of the season in my life many years ago in which I felt hopeless, full of wandering, and struggling to find what I needed. It was during that time in the desert that I discovered faith and embarked on a new path toward hope, trusting in something bigger than me for the first time.

By definition, hope is “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” We all have expectations about what we’d like to see happen in our lives, but for those that Hagar serves, this is often not the case. Trauma associated with trafficking, rape, violence and exploitation has a way of stealing hope, of putting barriers between victims and their dreams. But these obstacles do not have to be the last chapter of their stories, because I have witnessed that by helping men, women and children to work through their tragedies allows them to regain a sense of trust in the world…to begin hoping for their future again.

I have seen hundreds of such recovery stories while serving Hagar in Cambodia, where staff members come alongside victims to help build “Heroic Hope” where it was once lost…to give strength to those on the journey. For many it is an arduous path to wholeness, full of pain and of healing, where dreams are unshackled and heroes are made. Now, through October 4th, won’t you please consider a one-time or monthly pledge of support to offer hope to those served by Hagar. Thank you for partnering with us on this journey!