Hagar Overview


Reports and Research

Hagar International Global CEO Dr Andrew Catford, provides an overview of Hagar International, its history, its focus and its programming. Along the way he answers several pertinent questions in relation to the importance of Hagar’s work, its strengths in Trauma Informed Care and Hagar’s plans for the future to free and heal more communities from the trauma of human trafficking, modern slavery and abuse.

Annual Reports


Can Faith and Spirituality Promote Healing and Post-Traumatic Growth in the Aftermath of Trauma? What We Can Learn from Cambodian Trauma Survivors and Those Who Support Them

Published: July 2022

Although precise numbers are difficult to estimate, close to 1 billion children under the age of 18 experience trauma every year. Many of these children will go on to thrive despite their lived experiences of trauma, whereas some will not.


Pathways of Resilience and Recovery from Trauma for Cambodian Young People

Published: August 2021

The majority of trauma and resilience research in Cambodia has focused on survivors of the Khmer Rouge. This qualitative study set out to discover what protective factors promote resilience in young trauma survivors who are at least one generation removed.


Trauma, Resilience and the Power of Human Conection: Reflections from the Field of Cambodia

Published: June 2019

Political and economic instability, poverty, war and terrorism, are just some of the harsh realities facing many young people globally. Various theoretical frameworks that conceptualize resilience exist in Western countries, yet there is limited research that looks specifically at resilience for children and young people in developing nations who have experienced significant trauma. 


Spirituality and resilience in Cambodia: A Trauma-informed Perspective

Published: April 2019

A vast number of children and young people globally face the harsh realities of war, genocide, natural disasters and other such tragedies. Yet there is limited research and few published studies that look specifically at how spirituality can be utilized as a trauma-informed approach to promote resilience and wellbeing for young people.

Being Trauma-Informed in Cambodia: Practice Considerations for Professionals Working with Children and Trauma

Published: July 2017
This research highlights Hagar’s trauma-informed education model in Cambodia and the experiences of therapists and educators working with traumatised children. Hagar is used as a case example to understand how teachers can utilise this approach in their classrooms in resource-poor countries. The research was published in the International Journal of Social Science and Humanity.


Pathways of Resilience and Recovery from Trauma for Cambodian Young People

Published: August 2021

The majority of trauma and resilience research in Cambodia has focused on survivors of the Khmer
Rouge. This qualitative study set out to discover what protective factors promote resilience in young
trauma survivors who are at least one generation removed.

(Re)Integration of Cambodian Trafficked Men: Trends in Trafficking and Available Aftercare Services

Published: March 2015
Cambodian men and boys are trafficked into a variety of sectors, including fishing, construction, agriculture, and factory work, and often subjected to physical and psychological abuse at the hands of their employers. This research explores the trends in trafficking of Cambodian men, the needs of survivors, and the extent of reintegration assistance available.

A System Just for Children: Voices of Child Victims and Witnesses About their Experiences in the Cambodian Criminal Justice System

Published: January 2015
This research is one of the first conducted in Cambodia to look in detail at the experience of child witnesses and victims who go through the Cambodian criminal justice system. It particularly aims to give voice to children’s views in order to contribute to the development of criminal court procedures that more fully reflect the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The study, “A System Just for Children”, was conducted by Hagar field researchers in conjunction with UNICEF.

Forgotten No More: Male Child Trafficking in Afghanistan

Published: October, 2013
This is an unprecedented study of 210 stakeholders in Afghanistan, including 130 boys, to understand the prevalence of male child trafficking and inform the design of our recovery programme for survivors. The study was conducted by Hagar field researchers and funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP).

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.

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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.