Empower Women with Possibilities

Directors blog

40.3 Million

Join me. Catherine Kirkendall catherine.kirkendall@hagarinternational.org Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

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Changing the Tides

For the past 25 years Hagar has been committed to thousands of survivors who have suffered from human trafficking, slavery and abuse. Trauma recovery services will always be our core mandate, however, in recent years we have also seen the added value of partnering with non-profits, corporates, and government officials so that we can proactively work toward eradicating such human rights abuses. Such efforts are part of Hagar’s collaborative global strategy to

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Help Us Improve – Hagar USA 2019 Survey

We at Hagar USA desire to learn from you so that we can do a better job of meeting your needs and expectations about our work. Hagar is committed to taking steps to strengthen the way that we share about our work, engage with our donors, and to learn about your preferences. We believe the Hagar USA 2019 Survey is an easy way for you provide your feedback to us so that

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Kirkendall Family

Unprecedented Times – A Note from Our Executive Director

2020 has been an interesting year for us all.  It is times like this that I am thankful to be a part of Hagar, supporting women and children for the past 26 years. The women and children we all support need our sustenance now more than ever.  During this time, vulnerable persons are in even more at risk situations.  No matter what else happens in the world, and many times because of

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The Pursuit of Social Justice

During a 2-hour site seeing break from meetings in DC a few weeks ago, I stumbled upon the FDR Memorial by happenstance as I journeyed between the Jefferson and MLK Jr. Memorials. While there, I was struck by several FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt quotes, but one in particular inspired me and rings true all these years later. In 1932, in the midst of many national challenges, FDR said, “In these days of

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Hagar's Birthday Reflections

Hagar’s Birthday Reflections

In the next month Hagar will celebrate our 24th birthday, a remarkable feat in the world of international development. I am proud to have celebrated the past 4 of those with Hagar, both in Cambodia and in the USA. You may be asking “What has sustained the organization through the years?” I believe there are a number of factors that I’d like to highlight for you below. Hagar has: – a clear

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We Have To Do Our Part

Two weeks ago I was startled awake from a nightmare in which I had been in a room where adults were buying dozens of children like they were every day commodities. Many races, nationalities and ethnicities were represented among the traffickers and those being trafficked. I remember feeling a sense of great danger in the environment and I was deeply troubled by what I saw happening to the children. Sadly, I had

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Speak Out. Be Aware.

After working as a social worker in the fields of mental health and child welfare for 20 years, and most recently with Hagar Cambodia, I recognize that a staggering number of individuals in the USA and globally suffer violence at the hands of their intimate partners. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence there are an average of 20 victims of physical abuse in the USA every minute and hotlines receive

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Heroic Hope

When I think of the word “Hope” I am reminded of the season in my life many years ago in which I felt hopeless, full of wandering, and struggling to find what I needed. It was during that time in the desert that I discovered faith and embarked on a new path toward hope, trusting in something bigger than me for the first time. By definition, hope is “a feeling of expectation

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Help Us Transform Lives

By partnering with Hagar, you answer the cries of human suffering. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.