Empower Women with Possibilities

Proeumprei’s Story – Recovery in Cambodia

*Proeumprei was badly let down by people she, and her community, thought that she could trust. Several years ago, Proeumprei was attending classes at her local church to learn English and computer skills with other children from her community. Families in the community trusted the church and its leadership and were grateful for the opportunities that the church were providing their children to have fun and learn. However, Proeumprei was eventually raped

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40.3 Million

Join me. Catherine Kirkendall catherine.kirkendall@hagarinternational.org Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

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Tai’s Story – COVID Support

Tai was born into extremely difficult circumstances. His father died from a traffic accident, his mother had a mental disorder and the only person he could rely on was his grandmother – who is 57 years old. Tai also has autism and when he was 4 years old, Tai was physically abused by his preschool teacher. The horrific incident was brought to light and the school and teacher suffered disciplinary punishment. The

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Neary’s Story

Life During a Pandemic Neary is a human trafficking survivor and our Hagar staff has been walking the recovery journey with her for approximately 7 months. She has been working in a garment factory to survive and support her family. However, the recent pandemic with COVID-19 has recently presented many challenges for her. Due to the virus, her hours were reduced at work and she moved from working full time to part

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Hoang’s Story – Returning Home

The overwhelming need to find work and make a sustainable livelihood can make women and girls susceptible to being tricked into human slavery. At the age of 18, Hoang had no concept of human trafficking. From an ethnic minority living in central Vietnam, she went willingly with a woman from a neighboring village on the promise of work in China. Too late, she realized she had been sold as a bride to

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Botra’s Story – One Boy’s Story of Hope & Survival

The overwhelming need to find work and make a sustainable livelihood can make women and girls susceptible to being tricked into human slavery. At the age of 18, Hoang had no concept of human trafficking. From an ethnic minority living in central Vietnam, she went willingly with a woman from a neighboring village on the promise of work in China. Too late, she realized she had been sold as a bride to

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Somphors’ Journey, A Survivor’s Story

Somphors, a 36 year old mother of 3 who lives in the Battambang province, Northwest region of Cambodia. This is her whole journey with Hagar. In 2015, Somphors was forced to move away from her family, children and community to work at the Cambodian-Thai borders as a beer promoter in a night club. It was here where she was offered the opportunity to marry a man from China for money to support

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Tien’s Journey of Hope

Tien was just 16 when her world changed forever. Raised by her father’s family after her parents divorced, she longed for a mother’s love and the warmth of a stable home. But instead of finding comfort, she was deceived by a group of traffickers and taken to China, where she was forced into marriage—not once, but three times. For nearly two years, Tien endured unimaginable hardship before she finally managed to escape

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Overcoming Stigmas – Loi’s Story

“I can overcome what hindered me in the past, and so can you.” Loi, a 21-year-old client of Hagar International in Vietnam attended an international conference in Taiwan in late October 2018. At this event, Loi had many opportunities to learn and grow by sharing her story and listening to other Ambassadors. When Loi was referred to Hagar two years ago by a former Hagar client, she suffered from multiple traumas, initially

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Trafficking in Persons Report 2019

This year’s report “serves as a call to action for governments around the world to embrace the full meaning of the Palermo Protocol and implement their domestic laws in a manner that protects all victims and punishes all traffickers.” The Palermo Protocol defines human trafficking by its three elements—a trafficker’s action taken through the means of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of exploitation. Understanding it as such leaves little room for interpretation

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