Empower Women with Possibilities

Som Nang’s Story

Growing up, Som Nang’s father was violent and eventually her mum left the family to go and work in another province. She left the 4 girls with their father and re-married.

Som Nang and her sisters worked as harvest workers at the Thai border. One day, when she was just 14 years old, her own father raped her. He continued to rape her until she fell pregnant, eventually giving birth to a son. Som Nang’s father was arrested and sentenced to 7 years in prison and her mother returned, with her new husband and child, to look after the 4 girls again.

Som Nang was referred by the government to Hagar to get support. A Hagar counselor and case manager were assigned to work with her and by receiving Hagar’s recovery services, she has begun to overcome her trauma and heal. Hagar even helped co-ordinate an opportunity for her to begin to learn how to sew at one of our partner’s training centers and she is working towards the goal of starting a business as a tailor in her community. She wants to help other women in the community by using this skill.

Hagar also continues to partner with other relevant stakholders, including local authorities and NGO partners, to make sure the family are safe and that Som Nang is in a stable environment. Recently, for example, the family home was falling down due to flooding and the family were living in a tent and in the shelter for chickens. After an assessment, it was clear the family needed a new home and Hagar has worked with another organization partner to share the cost. Hagar contributed about 60%, and our partner shared 40%, of the material costs and the family and local authorities helped to build the home.

Hagar will continue to work with this family intensively going forward and walk with Som Nang through her recovery journey.